NAO Biogas, Digester, Landfill,
                Waste Gas & Wastewater

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BioEnergy Recovery    Greenhouse Gas Control    Kyoto Regulations    Methane Emissions    Odor Control

NAO Biogas, Digestor, Landfill, Waste Gas & Waste Water BURNERS, FLARES & OXIDIZERES

NAO offers burners, controls, drums, flares & oxidizers which are fully engineered, easy to install,
low maintenance.  Safe & reliable design backed by 97 years of combustion & manufacturing
experience.  NAO systems can include automatic ignition & flame monitoring, flame & detonation
arrestors, drums for dewatering & flashback protection.  The NAO systems are the optimum
equipment to solve your environmental problems.  NAO also has rentals to allow plant operation
while repairs or upgrades are being carried out.

NAO can help with:

For literature please see Bulletin LD-1 NAO Landfill and Digestor Flares

For more information & prices  please contact NAO or print out
         & fill in the 2 page
                                            ( Burners, Flares, Oxidizers, Rentals, Upgrades )
        email or fax back to NAO or call Cor Knook to discuss  (Ext. 104)

Email  ......

Phone ......    215-743-5300 or 800-523-3495 (All USA & Canada)
Fax     .......    215-743-3020


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